Va t'en mon cuer Dufay
from Porto 714
This Rondeau is from a 1460's manuscript from Ferrara, containing several (presumably) late Dufay chansons. Oddly, the notational style is black notation with red coloration of the earlier part of the century, and this piece has no mensuration signs. Often in this style of notation from the late 14th and early 15th centuries the black notes imply major prolation (compound meter) and the red notes imply minor prolation (simple meter), but the only solution for this piece is to treat it in perfect tempus, minor prolation (modern day 3/4) with the coloration implying semiminima. This is a somewhat unconventional use of red ink since semiminima could have simply been written in. The few red notes in the tenor (which scrolls along the bottom of both pages) are more conventional 2/3 ratio. I wasn't able to make out all the text, but found the poetry on www.recmusic.org.